Something often said. It means their gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
I'm gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
Drink Decay
• Refers to the slow decline of activity in Drink preceding, during and after the Leaving Cert. When reaching the chronic stage of decay, it leads to Drink Death. Sometimes referred to
The group was dying slowly but surely “looks like drink decay to me”
Expression for ”don’t drink while driving” or ”don’t drive while drinking”.
When someone makes the corona custom game in overwatch and you decide you want to be host so you can stack an advantage to your team in the settings.
Player 1: let's player corona while we wait 3 hours in comp queue
Queue: Player 1 enters game
Queue: Player 2 is spectating
Player 2: *leaves group and joins a drink till she's a covid-20 server*
you will die, a quote from fat tam
Me: Not drink water for 71.9 hours*
Also me: I'm in danger.
To drink so much alcohol that your mental depression goes away temporarily. A common phrase among people with both depression and alcoholism.
"I broke up with my girlfriend and I lost my job."
"Cheer up and drink the pain away!"
The act of drinking from someone else's can/bottle without touching the rim with the lips. This usually requires tilting your head back while raising the drink to nose level.
Ben : "Man, my throat is dry as hell! Can I drink from you bottle?"
Glenn : "Eww bro, you know I hate it when I have to drink after someone else."
Ben : "Don't you worry, my man, I'll be drinking on WiFi."
Glenn : "WiFi drinking? What the F are you on about??"