An online dictionary where internet slang is defined for internet users to understand what people are saying. This website is almost completely inaccurate and most of it's definitions are complete nonsense. I do not recommend using this website.
Ronald: Hey Mike, is there any website I can visit to find out the definitions of internet slang?
Mikhail: Yeah, theres a website called 'Urban Dictionary'. Although it is full of garbage, there are a few words that have accurate definitions on that website!
The website that is written by you!
Kyle: hey i made a word in the URBAN Dictionary
Jake: *is fucking dead*
Kyle: Cool right?
A place where people with fucked up imaginations go and make up words. :)
Urban Dictionary is one fucked up place.
The website this definition is on.
Urban dictionary has really gone downhill, don't you think?
you’re too bored to actually search something useful up, right?
“I’m too bored so I’m gonna search Urban Dictionary on Urban Dictionary.”
Your using the website you gay son of a bitch :)
Bro go on urban Dictionary and search up urban Dictionary find out what it means it had me cracking up when I saw it
The damn website you're on. Why did you search up Urban Dictionary on Urban Dictionary Anyways?
im not using an example you know what urban dictionary is bruh