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Breathing out laughing

When someone laughs hardly while breathing out.

Rashmi was breathing out laughing today

by sjayaraman November 8, 2022


1. When someone says an inuendo/or offensive term before they realise.....
2. Being naive
3. A sexual reference
4. Saying before you speak...

"That Holli is as big as a house! uh oh that was out-before-I-knew-it....and so was she..."

by Aislin Bonney January 29, 2010

Terraria'd Out

When you have been playing the video game "Terraria" for an extended period of time, and are bored of doing so.

"I would stay on, but I'm all Terraria'd Out for today."

by C0laa August 21, 2022

Joe'd Out

To leave (often without saying anything) when a conversation either becomes boring, or people are making points where no reply will appease them. This can be accompanied by an eye roll

Steve just Joe'd Out when Steph was trying to discuss how to make things better around the office.

by El Conquistador681 July 25, 2021


referring to President Obama's fiscal deficit spending and economic stimulus polices being in much greater proportions than former President George W. Bush's in which federal spending and the public debt of the United States grew substancially during his tenure.

Man, and I thought a $500 billion dollar budget deficit was nuts during the Bush administration. Under Obama it's 1.5 TRILLION !!! He's out-Bushing Bush.

by ziggytpp October 10, 2011

Heart's out

A phrase to show that you care about someone who is going through something. Another way to say "I feel for you" or "I got you." It's nice to say and can sound cheesy if said in the wrong way.

As Wally was stumbling out of a pub, he tripped and fell face first into a puddle of piss. Before he could raise his face out of the leftover water from the evening's refreshments, he heard someone offer, "Heart's out, mate!" This consoled Wally and he felt a bit better.

by von groovy August 5, 2024

w out

short way or saying with out.

i can’t go a day w out my phone 😂.

by verozkl March 28, 2023