The ultimate dick suckage. dick rides everyone and everything. swears he knows every body and has motion. nigga has no motion.
That nigga jason man-manning
said by cool people who have a lot of minor inconveniences in there life 😘
*drops phone* come on man aka come on maaaaaam
It's when you're trying to get someone to get you to do what they want you to do. They are trying to get you to dumb it down for them because they know that you know they're probably and hopefully gonna laugh. They know how outta line they are, but feel you should let it slide. For you to Kind of just forget about it and move forward without consequence. If they're smart, they won't dumb it down for ya.
Another example is when you're waiting on someone and/or they're being slow or rude to another person.
When someone is aggravating you.
When you're trying to sound laid back but you're really aggravated and they know it. But it still funny.
Come on man, just let em go first.!
Come on man, you've been playing all day. It's someone 3lses turn . Come on man. Let's go
Come on man you don't have to take the car privileges away just for something small that I didn't even have anything to do with. Come on man,give me my dice back come on man please
When you go into the bathroom that has been fouled by the previous occupant.
It smells like dying old man intestines in there
a literal fuck boy who spends his type texting girls who are out of his league, trying to act hard.
yo my drilla did you see da p man?? he was chatting up bare girls styll
Carried by hardnuts and chavs who think they own the world, man bags are items that are often seen outside mc Donald’s, the kid carrying them is probably riding a Carrera Vengeance with his Chav buddies in a ride out session.
A term used to describe a boyfriend with extraordinary and beautiful body hair but yet has a tender and soothing nature about him
My boyfriend Chris Washby is such a wookie man, I love his long beautiful hair