Those people who have the uncanny ability to select the only items in the store with no price tags or scan bars necessitating a price check on every item they've purchased thus clogging up the check out lane.
That check out dork was getting some pretty dirty looks from the people behind him in the check out line.
A poo of so epic a proportion that no matter how many hands of paper towels you pull out to buff up your rusty star the old brown biro never runs out of ink , hide your socks
Shouting from the bog ......
Throw up another bog roll love , Im clearing out the airing cupboard up here
Gone through more bog roll than a covid 19 panic buying individual
Rustic ryan rumpkin, welcome to earth
don’t throw out your coleslaw omar
When you a bitch and then you leave but slayed prior to the leaving so you gotta like, like, so like, you gotta slay out, like you know? Out as in going outside or leaving.
Person uno; Omg you are so charismaticly annoying
Person two: (me) No, you are, SLAY OUT (SHOUT THIS)
In refrence to spending a lot of money with out having to check your bank balance.
"How did you afford to buy that"
"Bust the card out i guess"
The effects of feeling brain-o-ed, mnagled headed, heid fried. May cause you to collapse.
"Got proper brained out earlier on, need some drugs"