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clowning out

1. The gleeful feeling you get when all that ludicrously good weed you just smoked and the firecracker you just ate kick in. You begin to act high to the point where all dignity is forgotten and only hilarity remains, in the clown-like way, especially on the holiday 420.

2. a. GETTING UBER HIGH b. Uber high to the point where you could convince yourself that you are indeed an actual white faced clown wearing large orange shoes, when in reality you are just as high and fried as Benjamin Franklin's kite.

(this phrase seems to have originated at TCNJ.)

reefer one "Man, this weed is the fantastic."

reefer two "Yeah. Yo look, at carrie she's clowning out."

Carrie: *huge smile* *fit of giggles* "Hey guys! hahaha, you're so funny"

by the twilight stoned April 20, 2011

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someone who puts on too much makeup, therefore making them look like a clown

Sarah: Whoa! Look at that girls makeup!
Becky: She put too much on....ick
Sarah: Yeah, shes clown-faced

by mwahhahahababe November 30, 2009

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class clown

those people who think they are funny but actually just use overused jokes that makes most people laugh,
its actually just obnoxious to people who are trying to get work done due to the fact that teachers will usually just tell a lecture and that makes it impossible to work

class clowns are usually the first to get corvid due to the fact that they will do anything and i mean ANYTHING

by someone else thats not u January 12, 2021

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Kodak Clown

A clown with a camer,usually Kodak, that takes pictures like he/she has terets. Can usually be spotted in chinese supermarkets and other areas that asians are located. Can usually be eliminated with on good brick to the back of the head.

"That Kodak Clown is takin some snap shots of his anus."


"The Kodak Clown stalks its unaware tourists, wait...the tourists spotted him and the chase is on..."

by Nelson76 June 22, 2005

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Clown Pie

A word that is so "gangsta" that only white people know it. To jack off into your hand, on an object, or on a face for a full intent of a 'facial' cleansing.

Ask Jenna Jameson or 50 cent, thanks.

by Vega November 21, 2003

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Clown Emoji

Who’s using clown emoji isn’t more than 12. Clown emoji is cringe.

xy: I like using clown emoji.
xy’s friend: We are no longer friends.

by Emotional damagee February 17, 2022

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broke ass clown

Someone who is not only brokey broke but a clown as well.

I always knew you were a clown but since you haven't even tried to get a job since you got fired from your job a year ago, you're a broke ass clown!

by theauthormarkwilkins February 6, 2017