Source Code

testicular aids

Testicular Aids Is A Disease That Turns Your Nuts Lumpy And Infested By Black Spots

OH Shit Last Night I Caught Testicular Aids When I Pounded Terry's Mum

by TezzieFiddler March 1, 2018

in aid of

in order to help (something or someone)

The event is being held in aid of charity

by mikeyannie February 6, 2017

AIDS Factory

A butthole that gets so much pounding it produces AIDS at assembly line speeds.

Dude, your mom's butthole gets so much use it's like an AIDS factory back there!

by Brosipherous Dorsi March 1, 2018

Space AIDS

Slang for COVID-19

Did you hear? Jimmy finally got space aids!
Wasn’t he vaccinated?

by Rupert3363 September 26, 2021

Drinking the kool-aid

When your eating your girlfriends pussy while she is on her period.

Hey I Heard that Jonathan was drinking the kool-aid with kadiey.

by Rodriguez Norman March 8, 2022

Baboon kool-aid drinker

Black people that only drink kool-aid

Bob: Aye yo Tyrone what you drinking
Tyrone:Some of that good Ole kool-aid
Bob: You always did like kool-aid you baboon kool-aid drinker

by Lycanace February 1, 2023

Aid Car

A basic life support (BLS) ambulance staffed by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in Western Washington.

BLS counterpart of the "Medic," an advanced life support (ALS) ambulance staffed by paramedics. Both can transport, but in some locations, private ambulances will transport BLS patients.

"Aid 2" is an example of a possible Aid Car unit.

by RoSprints March 30, 2023