Everyone's favourite man. Ethan John is caring, thoughtful, sensitive, and will always be there for you. He's adventurous and enjoys nature. If you ever want a random fact, ask Ethan John, for he will always provide an interesting and maybe not so relevant fact! When it comes to animals and crazy creatures you've never heard of, there he is, with everything you need to know.
He's grounded and handsome, strong and hard working. He'd go through a lot to help you, and in his selflessness, he'll cast all of his problems completely to the side for your sake. He's an incredible man, and definitely one in a million!
Girl I: "Oh my word, is that Ethan John??"
Girl 2: "Yeah yo, and he's mine!!"
Had a massive penis but is scared to use it on women so he uses it on 4yr old boys
Bad at football sucks penis every time he plays
Is a cheater will cheat on u with an animal
Penis gets smaller as he gets older
OMG that dog Is such an ethan Caleb naidoo
Has curly yet cute hair
Smells amazing and will touch your penis
Has a house which he mastrubates in
Has 2 friends
A good goalkeeper
Omg he is so cute he must an Ethan Darius paul
According to legend, Ethan de la Cruz was born on 0 BCE, at the exact moment of Jesus Christ's death. As philosophers have read in ancient texts, he changes his name every 100 years. Out of the 21 names Ethan de la Cruz has had, only 9 of them are known. The recorded names go as followed, each written with the Century he used them in:
1. de la Cruz - 3rd
2. DLC - 4th
3. Intacc - 12th
4. TikTacToe - 14th
5. Turtle Man - 17th
6. FaZe Jarvis - 18th
7. e e - 19th
8. maddie - 20th
9. Ethan de la Cruz - 21st
He is rumored to have shaped the course of human events, through actions such as ending the Roman Empire, influencing the World Wars, reawakening the nation of China, and more. Experts believe that almost all major events in human history can be dated and tracked back to him.
Many researchers speculate how Ethan de la Cruz has managed to stay hidden all this time. Many people have begun looking into the possibility of Polymorphism, the ability to change size, shape, and appearance. Although this is all speculation, it would explain his inconceivable ability to stay hidden throughout all of history.
In the 21st century with the invention of the internet, staying hidden will become an increasingly difficult task. However, if the Polymorphism theory proves to be true, then he could be hiding in plain sight. He could be a pizza delivery man, a middle school student, or even the President of the USA. This being said, be sure to always remember the name:
Ethan de la Cruz
Ethan de la Cruz is here
A guy who normally acts as if he is a hardcore stoner, and makes everyone aware he is so cool and interupts everyone so they hear his side of the story.
Guy: “interrupts reader”
Reader: “Hey man, chill you seem like an Ethan Flack right now”
Guy: “Sorry bro, I’m so fried right now”
Loves hockey. Favorite/Main number is #87. Owns a dog named "Frisky" (Freh-sik-ee).
Wow, Ethan Shetty's do is so cute.