When you fart through a straw into a fudge round wrapper. Light the fudge round and serve it to your high fallutin friends.
"I served my in-laws my finest dessert. The flaming brownie."
When you fuck on a wall fast enough your nuts light on fire
I fucked her so hard we were doing flaming walnuts
When lighting a male's ass hairs during the act of 69. leaving the guy running around uncontrollably like an Orangutan.
Guy 1: You want to go biking?
Guy 2: Hell no after my girl giving me the Flaming Orangutan last night I'm not going to be able to sit for a week.
Is the infamous leader of tap clan and is very well known for being a god on Fortnite
Tasp Flames is bad at Rainbow
Taking a bong hit and then before releasing taking a shot of alcohol. The idea is to take the bong hit without friends noticing and then when they walk in on you all they'll see is you taking a shot of whiskey and spewing smoke afterwards.
I flamed a Dave in front of my friend yesterday, and he was speachless.
The Flaming Dave will confuse your friends to no end without an explanation.
an unabashed marxist/communist who flaunts the philosophy in any & every way possible
i was walking through target yesterday, & saw a group of flaming communists making fun of all the costumers who were shopping there.
John: Dude I'm hungry!
Bill: Let's go to Flame Brizzle.
John: OKAY!