Source Code

flaming brownie

When you fart through a straw into a fudge round wrapper. Light the fudge round and serve it to your high fallutin friends.

"I served my in-laws my finest dessert. The flaming brownie."

by Svtpoop September 10, 2018

flaming walnuts

When you fuck on a wall fast enough your nuts light on fire

I fucked her so hard we were doing flaming walnuts

by Alfirmio February 9, 2018

Flaming Orangutan

When lighting a male's ass hairs during the act of 69. leaving the guy running around uncontrollably like an Orangutan.

Guy 1: You want to go biking?
Guy 2: Hell no after my girl giving me the Flaming Orangutan last night I'm not going to be able to sit for a week.

by flamingorangutan63 March 12, 2022

tasp flames

Is the infamous leader of tap clan and is very well known for being a god on Fortnite

Tasp Flames is bad at Rainbow

by Tasp_Goat19 February 12, 2018

Flaming Dave

Taking a bong hit and then before releasing taking a shot of alcohol. The idea is to take the bong hit without friends noticing and then when they walk in on you all they'll see is you taking a shot of whiskey and spewing smoke afterwards.

I flamed a Dave in front of my friend yesterday, and he was speachless.

The Flaming Dave will confuse your friends to no end without an explanation.

by Papashan December 22, 2015

flaming communist

an unabashed marxist/communist who flaunts the philosophy in any & every way possible

i was walking through target yesterday, & saw a group of flaming communists making fun of all the costumers who were shopping there.

by pizzapreacher88 January 14, 2013

flame brizzle

flame broiler

John: Dude I'm hungry!
Bill: Let's go to Flame Brizzle.
John: OKAY!

by spleeeeeeesh May 17, 2010