Chris Johnson Usually says “do you want banging”
And “yes d feller”
The one guy in your group that smokes the mass cigars or cigarettes.
The kind of guy that walks into the party naked with two cigs in his mouth.
Dudemanbro1: did you seen Glen the other day?
Dudemanbro2: yeah he totally a (smoug the Don johnson) lately!
The most amazing boyfriend ever!!!!!! Lovable, sweet, and especially HOT!!!!! Pleasures you so well, you will be soaking wet!!!
"Hey, isn't that your man Hayes Johnson?", Person 1
"Hell yeah!!!", Person 2
"Then go get him!!!!", Person 1
The best boyfriend to ever have in history! Blonde, sweet, cuddly, and absolutely HOT!!!!!!! Pleasures you so well you will be soaking wet, you will love this guy.
"Hey Jordyn, isn't that your man, Hayes Johnson?", Person #
"Hell yeah!!!", Jordyn
A skin disease that an individual will get on there neck, It is not contagious, but it is incurable. This skin disease will not hurt the host in any way, shape or form. Most doctors will not know about this skin disease because only a select seven will get this disease.
This Logan Johnson on my neck makes it awkward to receive hickeys.
A perfect man with a big ass, but small dick caused by being raised between Alabama and Florida
Ryan Johnson is a great friend to the ladies
this means that a person wtites books like my idiot friend albin
oh albin you are a eyvind johnson