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Anal Mac and Cheese

When you are fucking someone and you shove mac and cheese up their asshole and take a spoon and eat some of it

1: "Yesterday, I had some anal mac and cheese with my sister and it had such a distinct flavor"

2: "What the actual fuck is wrong with you."

by Nigger cheese sauce November 18, 2023

Mac Effect

The mac effect is an inexplicable phenomenon. It is when you become what you oh so desired.

Tf you know about THE mac effect.

by maceffector1 January 21, 2023

Mac ‘n’ Pop

ALF’s Face Resembles Mac ‘n’ Pop

Have you heard about Mac ‘n’ Pop Before?

by MayDayMeh June 7, 2018

Dermot mac

Dermots a name decribing a total inbred cunt.
He would shank u in a second all over fortnite.
His mom smokes so much that he has to bury the cigs
Fuck u dermo

Dermo is a bollox
Dermot mac is a cunt

by Ginger dylan November 19, 2018

Big Mac Chopper

Did anybody order a big mac

Did anybody order a big mac chopper *dies*

by shrek of yes August 3, 2022


A strange creature that is constantly lost in the sauce and rules the bed room.

That guy is a DD-Mac.

by UnderStudy___ April 23, 2023

Mac & freak

To have sexual intercourse with someone, while making Mac & Cheese

Dude what did you and Emily do when you got back from bars last night”

“We Mac & freaked

by Juggernaut2121 March 31, 2021