Source Code

Techno Ninja

A myhthical, probably asian or specifically japanese, man that came from another dimension to inflict terror on two men. One man was completely oblivious to the Ninja, but he eventually causes the demise of him by pushing him out a window. The other man thwarts the attacks of the ninja, one method by pwning him in the face with a gate. The ninja's abilities include smoke teleportation and randomness.

Dude, did you see "Return of the Techno Ninja" yet? I heard the Techno Ninja dies.

by Fei Hong Chan III January 28, 2005

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Joe Ninja

Secretly a sheep. Male teenager who still uses his old edgy "Ninja" username.

Who the heck is Joe and why is he in my jackbox game? JOE NINJA.

by JoeDaSheep645 December 1, 2019

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pussy ninja

someone who stealthily snatches away another mans previously designated pussy

Dude i thought i had dibs on that hoe, then Patrick swooped in and ninjad that pussy.

Dude that nigga Lee is a fucking pussy ninja.

Dude, did Kevin just ninja Mirandas pussy away from Joel?

by Billy Joe Ray December 9, 2008

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Ninja in the Night

When a ninja has mastered the arts of night stealtage and has gained the use of all 6 senses (including the psychic abilities they gain through deathly training), they are able to go out and ninja in the night without worrying about jerks spotting them.

Guy: "Dude, did you see that?"
Dude: "Guy, stfu and get me some pie."

by Nathan March 1, 2005

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Ninja poop

A poop that sneaks up on you when least expected!

Man 1: oh! (runs)
Man 2: Where is he going?
Man 3: Bathroom. That was a ninja poop.

by proffessor010 March 31, 2011

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white ninja

its only the funniest web comic in the whole history of the internet everyone should go read it immediatly and laugh for ever www.whiteninjacomics.com

white ninja and the spiders that got him at last

by tom beach February 19, 2004

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Ninja attack!

its when your embarressed about being on wellfare,and your about to pull out your bridge card. Instead of calling it that you say ninja attack!

Hey your total is 5.50
hang on let me pull out my ninja attack!

by courtney and jeremy!!!!!!!! October 11, 2007

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