Source Code


A condition where an individual habitually presses enter to send in a text message (i.e. Facebook, or other I.M.) before completing a full sentence, which is remnant to pressing enter rapidly to begin a new line of computer code in a text editor or compiler.

Often found in people who often write computer code, or type extremely fast.

Normal Message: yes, ryan i was at the pier last night with all my bros and they taught me how to backflip off the end and miss the rocks

W/ Sentence-Pushing: yes ryan

i was at the pier last night
with all my bros
and they taught me how to backflip

off the end
and miss the rocks

by Nerrie March 17, 2013


When a person/s try to lead you by direction.

This could be a number of differnt types of people. Religious, Governing, Academic, ect.

Push: To force

Hound: Is a type of dog that assists hunters by tracking or chasing the animal being hunted. It can be contrasted with the gun dog, which assists hunters by identifying the location of prey, and with the retriever, which recovers shot quarry.

Dr. Phill: Own it! "If your a dirt bag say your a dirt bag!"

Pope/Mormans:/Cristians: Come my child, We'll show you the way of the faith!

Professor: You could do a little better on this, when I was in college I did everything right.

Haxor: Damn dude, I owned that n00b, and plasterd my pic on the page and placed your momma sat on a rainbow and skittles rain'd from her ass on her site. Now It has to look at me every time it opens facebook.

Officer(Millitary): The only way is the American way

Canada/France: F*ck American's

Me: It's all a form of goating for the mast. If you think about it, the only way they can attain thier rank, is to scrung on some more joiners to the cause. It is the only way these personality types can thrive in thier views. To have hate in your heart is when you become numb to the mind and already dead. It is not only anger and rage that drives the ego, but looking twards self reliance. In the end, the only person you can rely on is yourself to guide you threw to a future. To hide that which you yurn and want for yourself without the strife, is a waste of breath, heart, and interest. The Push-hound will try to break you, mold you, and make you in thier image.

(Assasinated Mind) "The best thing about the future is that it only come one day at a time."-Abraham Lincoln

by wolfdog8mysoulw/nuts November 26, 2009

Wig pushed back

To get your wig pushed back means to be killed by a gun shot

Fam owes me mad bread and still ain't paid me yet. I'm finna to go over to his crib right now. He bout to get his wig pushed back gee.

by El General November 15, 2023

soft push

a little girl with a tall boo

did you see lainies new boyfriend, he’s so tall. look at her, she such a soft push 🥰

by sickadhdgirl😎 March 17, 2022

Pull and push

The art of masterbating while deficating.

Every morning Nazar does his morning Pull and push.

by Beanrism July 22, 2011

push fast

A street term for gay sex.

Guy 1: "how was your night with that guy last night"
Guy 2: "good bro"
Guy 1: "Did you guys push fast?"
Guy 2: "you know we did"

by asfdsfdgdgfhfhgfjghkuytew September 21, 2013

Pushing 🅱️

We Pushing 🅱️addie 💯
We Pushing 🅱️eautifulness 💯
We pushing 🅱️oldness 💯
We pushing 🅱️ravery 💯

A dude: what do pushing 🅱️ Mean??
A girl: something that is better than how y’all niggas are in this world😌

by Maya wrld February 7, 2022