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sister spree

a conversation using the word ‘sister’ in every sentence.

sister spree:
person 1: i’m gonna sister seize rn
person 2: omg sister same
person 1: sister so done with this

by shistersky October 23, 2018

Dude with a hot sister

Sebastian is a Dude with a hot sister

Sebastian is a dude with a hot sister

by Lolperk June 11, 2022

Burlap Sister

A prostitute/whore.

I'm gonna make you my burlap sister!

by Yoshemo October 5, 2010

Teenage Little Sister

An annoying, moody, dramatic, little baby. Usually hard to deal with. Wildly insecure, cries far too much, cares only about looks and boys. This newer version of little sister comes with some cons:
-Insecure about everything
-Is 'always' right in there eyes
-Thinks she is ugly although multiple boys have had crushes on her in the span of a year.

You: Hot dog! Carson's sister is sure a teenage Little sister.

Carson: what the (CENSORED) does that even mean

by Harry Tessa Tickle III December 3, 2022

Gok wan sister

Bitch with a tight pink pussy that smells like salmon

Look at that gok wan sister

by Cutie doodle July 7, 2018

Wallet Sisters

1. A female who has had sex with the same woman as a good friend. (not necessarily simultaneously)

2. When two females acknowledge having been intimate with the same male and remain on good terms, the girls are now bonded by having shared the same penis at one time or another.

3. Refers to two women who have slept with the same man.

Girl 1 "Holy shit, you slept with that guy rolando too?"
Girl 2 "Yes, but he told me i was his only one"
Girl 1 "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckit, were wallet sisters now"
Girl 2 "Ewwwwww! Wanna go shopping?"
Girl 1 "Like, totally"

by _RollOnDough January 20, 2012

iggly sisters

When two girls have slept with the same guy they are classed as 'iggly sisters'

"Wait you slept with him too that means we are iggly sisters"

by Spiersy116 June 27, 2017