One who is shit at love, friendship and sex.
Liam, you look like a fucking sissy, what am I supposed to be jealous about? Your hairline? Your crippling mental health? The fact you suck ass at love and friendship? Dude bye 💀✋
twitch emotes
league of legends
30% gay gachiBASS
he's really sweet and never raises his tone, the kind of guy you can just chill with without worrying about anything
seems mostly jaded but he actually kind of cares
The most boss person in the world went ti the aurora in subnatica with no vehicle and only a knife for some basic resources
That one cool kid that doesn’t try to get girls they go to him. Liam is a pretty motherfucker and might fuck the teacher or any girl he wants. Very cool guy
Yo you see Liam in that new drip
that boy crazy”
the absolute gayest name ive ever heard.
someone: 'liam why wont you date her?'
liam: '....'
someone: '..i know why now...'
The type of guy who can bosh any Fanny he wants. Getting the nickname with the lads the EFB because he is an Elite Fanny Bosher