Discrete way of saying or asking for weed.
Dave : "Trees Up!? Hoes Down!?"
Phrase 'oak up' means 'don't enter; don't disturb
A label on the doar handle saying 'Oak up! means 'don't enter' or 'don't disturb'
An awesome 3OH!3 song. Nobody knows what 'Saydem up,' actually means though...
Me: I wonder what Saydem up means.
Nat & Sean: LOL we're never gonna tell.
Me: Dammit.
Female equivalent to "man up" with same connotations of bravery, duty, endurance, etc.
(mother to daughter) "Ginnie Mae tole me Festus had done stoled the grocery money for crack again. I tole her she best ma'am up and burn his ass up in bed for the insurance money."
Johnny: dude, your a sump up
Me: What's a sump up?
Johnny: A suck up and simp bro
When dat ass look like it was ridden hard the night before.
To be a guys girlfriend. To make a female your lady. Your main bitch.
Have you talked to Jessica recently? Yeah I heard she got gald up by some nigga name Norb or some shit from her job!