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Virgin media

They go down all the fucking time and their crappy hub/modem combo will lose you a tenth of your bandwidth by being half a meter away

Virgin media is a crappy isp.

by SomebodyYouWillNeverKnowHehehe May 12, 2020

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phone virginity

You have phone virginity before you have phone sex.

a. Hey, do you want to lose your phone virginity.
b. Yes, lets have phone sex.

by Epic_Stoner April 11, 2015

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rhys the virgin

rhys is the biggest virgin, he prob will be a virgin for life or might lose his virginity at 45 in his mums basement.

man 1: rhys is the biggest virgin!
man 2: ikr he prob wont lose his virginity until he is 45!
man 1: what a ultra virgin
man 2: rhys the virgin lol

by Mandem_Nonce69 October 21, 2020

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Nude Virgin

A girl/boy whos never sent a nude before.

that hoe was a nude virgin until i met her!

by XxPussySlayerxX69 May 13, 2019

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Ultra Virgin

A person will be a virgin till the day they die, even if there is an after life or the person is reborn again they will always be a virgin. They also know nothing about sex at all.

Rhys: Pussy feels like a cold bath!
Vanna: Stfu you haven't had sex before you Ultra Virgin!

by October 21, 2020

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Eternal Virgin

Someone who spends their extra money on 4 million cookies for their four millionth subscriber.

Mr. Beast will be an eternal virgin.

by Asikuu October 23, 2018

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Some one who was almost drunk enough to have sex.. but didn't have that one shot of tequilla.

that fool over there gave me head and let me suck on her milk sacks but I just didn't seem to eneter her woopie.

by Ajay May 27, 2005

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