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O-Town is the name of Columbus, the capital in Ohio. Bow Wow was raised in Columbus and calls himself prince of the o-town

I'm bow weezy prince of the o-town

by Chief Nugs December 12, 2008

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crown town

nickname for the city Crown Point, Indiana
used usually when refering to Crown Point as a boring place

what do you wanna do tonight?
- there is nothing to do, we live if fucking crown town

by 2345678923456 December 21, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

p town

1. The Home of The Kottonmouth Kings.
2. An ok song by the Kottonmouth Kings.

1. The Kottonmouth Kings are from P Town in Killa Kali
2. Wow P Town is a cool song by the Kottonmouth Kings from their 7th album.

by Kottonmouth King 420 November 13, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

go to town

Stop thinking dirty... going to town is when you are going to the inner-city. It may just be british slang though, since i've never heard Americans say it

'Yo let's go to town after school, i'm bored and wanna buy stuff'
'Sure, who's coming?'

by aizawa's secret love child September 10, 2020

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Nort town

In refrence to the northside of Escanaba MI. Or the GHETTO part of town. Anywhere on the northside of Main ST.

I roll outa Nort town

by cheddacheez April 28, 2007

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a ghetto saying for tha city "fort myers"

fo (fort myers) town

where u stay att? fo-town bihh! OR JUST fo town!

by bella. brasileira June 10, 2007

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College Town

A College Town is any city that's population is predominately students attending a 4 year college or university.

Eugene, Oregon is an example of a College Town.

by I literally have 0 friends September 15, 2021

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