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matt barrese

Matt Barrese he biggest dick ever he's amazing at sex this name gives you the knowledge to give great advice to everyone and you are always right

sex is Matt Barrese Number one best quality

by Matt Barrese April 11, 2017

Matt Koebel

The next chapter in fat fucks in the small hick town of Funkytown. Randall, the predecessor of the fat fucks is now retired from this chapter. Koebel is the new fat fuck in town.

Wow he really slimmed down, guess that makes you the new fat fuck Matt Koebel!!!

by Billy Daweson November 1, 2010

matt keener

A fantasy retard with no friends or life ... (did I mention he’s fat )🐳

Matt keener is a stupid fat fuck

by Not a fat fuck (unlike Matt) February 27, 2018

Dirty Matt Mclaughlin

When you are having sex and you pull out, call the girl a virgin, and then stick it in the other hole; Then finish and say "Ah I needed this"

Dude did you hear what happened last night? No! Bro I gave Chloe a dirty Matt McLaughlin Last night.

by BootiePoker January 26, 2024

matt murkin

A really dopey twat who thinks he's a pulling machine but he's really not, he thinks he's the beez knees, he thinks it's Sunday on a Monday like the stupid prick he is.

Geoff-Is it a Friday or a Saturday, cause it feels like a Sunday
Hagrid-your a real matt murkin you know that??

by Dr floppy schlong July 8, 2017

Matt Farley

The god of music.

Matt Farley is one of the artists of all time.

by xXxEmoGiirliie666xXx October 29, 2023

Matt Bull

To shine with the utmost elegance. To serve the world with an unquenchable desire to see it better a place by the time you leave it despite the obstacles that stand before us all. To look into the face of a cold and hard world but stare back at it with a smile and an almost unimaginable about of resilience and love.

'Damn I just Matt Bull'd my pants'

by PaulBlartMallFart October 12, 2023