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Band's Bohemian Rhapsody

A song made by a band or artist that isn't in their usual style and/or incorporates multiple styles in one song (like in Bohemian Rhapsody). It is commonly one of their most popular songs.

Guy 1: Hey have you heard Popular Monster by Falling in Reverse?
Guy 2: No is it any good?
Guy 1: Yeah it's like the band's Bohemian Rhapsody.

by Jork381 May 13, 2021

The Gay Incest Band

An insulting name for the tv show/music group The Naked Brothers Band.

Oh boy time to watch some Nickelodeon. Hope some good shows are on, spongebob, maybe Danny phantom...oh great...it's The Gay Incest Band....

by Bassnium.exe October 2, 2023

Car Commercial Band

A band who's music is seemingly made for the purpose of car commercials and is overall extremely shitty in any other setting.

I hate Imagine Dragons! They're a car commercial band.

by Stuff24 February 8, 2019

Rock Band 3

1. (pronoun) The dying 2010 rhythm game developed by Harmonix.

Guy 1: Hey bro, you wanna play some Rock Band 3?
Guy 2: Nah man, you need to grow up and play better, modern games... Amateur.

by Dynamo Roller January 15, 2023

florida band clamp

the act of applying mulitple cock rings to ones ball sack

"What's your Florida band clamp high score"

by chicostikk August 30, 2011

NASA Brass Band

The rare occurrence where two males engaged in docking are simultaneously being stimulated via the art of tromboning

At the orgy, Pete and John were trying out a new docking technique and two random blokes started tromboning them at the same time! That's a real NASA Brass Band event!

by Tortillera September 30, 2013

Band-aid bitch

A woman you are dating to help you get over the one you just broke up with.

"Has steve been dating wendy?"
"Yeah but he's still not over carly. Wendy is just his band-aid bitch."

by jimmycakes December 3, 2016