A type of camping in tactical shooting game (especially Valorant), where two or more people camp or peek the same angles.
Hey Cypher, don't peek B site, Sage and Omen may be executing a Together Camp.
The badass camp for demi gods (from the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan) with shitty lives
My dad left before I was born, I have dyslexia and ADHD, I'm bullied, and I usually blow up half the schools I go to, ill fit right in at Camp Half Blood
when a person is so evil to everyone in the world and so powerful and gets away with it, they send them to torture camp to get torture non stop in the worst pain imaginable and kept alive so they won't die... to make an example of them not to be so evil
an eye for an eye, you did this to so many.....and would of kept going, and you have to go to torture camp for the rest of your life
The Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC) brings forth to you a stage of workshops along with regarded dignitaries and entrepreneurs where members will get one-on-one tutoring by industry pioneers, and get a chance to introduce their plan of action to a board of private investors. Guaranteeing to empower you and your startup.
My startup got the funding I needed and mentorship at the Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp!
Radios that are at Boy Scout camps, sleepaway camps, etc that either play buttrock, horrible modern pop, thrash and classic rock, old rap, good 1970s-2000s pop, sports, or news and are often worked by dads
The youth camp radio at d bar a was awesome they played slipknots new album!
A "Hoity Toity" term for getting shit faced drunk on wine in the woods!
For example a business professional may tell his colleagues that he is going wine camping this weekend because it sounds more refined and cultured, instead of "I have been so stressed that I am going to pack my car with wine, drive into the woods, drink it all and commune with nature in my plastered state".
A place where kids go to learn about all the fun stuff that goes on while being a nazi. The kid will learn about important stuff like shooting, executing Jews, and most importantly burning books.
Kyle: I’m going to nazi camp
Henry: oh I can’t go to that I’m Jewish
*10 weeks later*
Kyle: Henry get out of the attic
Henry: oh finally your back (gets shot)