Take a beer bottle of your choice, any size, extra large encouraged, and shove it up your keester and try to yank that puppy out.
Little Johnny tried to impress the crew with the good ol beer bottle challenge by pounding a mickeys in his bhole. Couldn't pull her out, ended up in the ER.
derogotory term to describe any individual whom would be considered as to be not normal
he wouldnt have the balls to do that, he's genitally challenged..he must be genitally challenged if he can still sing soprano in the choir...dont confuse her with a lady, she's genitally challenged...is that really my child he seems genitally challenged...hey mate apparently ol mate couldnt get an erection last night, the bride reckons he must be genitally challenged.
When two people having sex switch from one position to the next, without withdrawling the penis from any orifice.
She never really know what the true definition of victory until she had successfully completed the Keyhole Challenge
When you dedicate yourself to a certain pornstar and watch a number of her videos only
"I'm going to do the dedication challenge, looks like it's only Sydney's video's for a while"
A challenge in which a guy, gal, or non-binary pal has sex with 26 people, each of whom has a name that starts with a different letter of the alphabet.
When you find out she's been doing the alphabet challenge for the last week and a half but she didn't know she was supposed to clean in-between.
I'm having a hard time finding anyone with a Y name in my small town! I might have to travel to the big city to finish the alphabet challenge!
It`s a really difficult challenge which may cause cancer
- Have you ever tried the "Try to not suicide challenge"?
- Yes, I tried but lost.
- RIP in peace
The Seventeen Years Challenge is a challenge made by JP. You have to gather as much Nudes from girls that are 17 years old. You have 17 days.
Hey Don, Ga jij meedoen aan de Seventeen Years Challenge? Ja man! Ik ben al begonnen! Heb jij die van Meike al?