a driver of a vehicle in heavy traffic, that from an earlier, yet vain attempt at courtesy and using their turn signal, leave it engaged. then while abruptly changing lanes several times, cutting off other drivers, they realize it and disengage it.
Misty: Man I really hate people that don't turn off their turn signals and then drive like ass-hats.
Jeff: Yeah I hate blinker douches too.
Make sure you wear your douche plug when driving in California.
A person with such indescribable idiocy and arrogance, who has such an intolerable personality that they rank highest on the douche scale.
Mitt Romney is Douche Juice!
A military phrase to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very moronic and stupid in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for dirty vaginas and being a general tool or one who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A asshole fool or cretin. Having low intelligence and or self esteem. Someone who has no purpose in life but to starve the world of oxygen and be a burden on others. A mallet being a tool for somebody that cannot be trusted to do anything but make little rocks from big rocks.
Kanye West is tweeting stupid shit and making himself look like a fucking Douche Mallet.
The CSM is making us cut grass this weekend instead of giving us pass....what a fucking douche mallet!
that butter bar Lieutenant is going to march us straight into a swamp....fucking douche mallet.
A socially deficient, morally reprehensible, or intellectually inferior person. The term implies a variety of negative qualities, specifically unwarranted arrogance and levels of inadequacy that exceed classification as a Douche, a Douchebag, a Douche Nozzle, or an Über-scrote.
The caller was such a douche ganoush.
1. Word used to describe an action taken by someone or upon someone or something
2. Word used to describe the sound of an action or reaction.... Usually in repetition
3. Can be a sexual reference for intercourse
1. I was just standing there and this dude comes out of nowhere and starts punchin me in the face like da douche da douche and broke my nose
2. He was skatin toward some stairs and I saw the whole thing; lost his footing and started rolling across the pavement, da douche da douche, getting all messed up.
3. We got to drinkin and soon enough; da douche
drama loving person, one who thrives on the constant upset of lifes surprises, person who loves to argue and bicker
drama queen Drama Douche