A phrase which many school children will use when another pupil gets told off by they're teacher.
A boy throws a paper plane in class. The teacher sees him and tells him off... you would say to the boy... You just got pooed on
when you have some sus tea that needs to be spilt
susan: do you think he cheated on me?
me: i got the tea sis
A hot ass bitch who loves himself too much and loves to make out with himself in the mirror cause he’s too much of himself
Have you heard of this dude on tiktok named ‘ my identity got stolen ‘ ?
No? Why? Is he a good person?
Yeah he’s really good dude
When the group chat gets out to the public so you and your friends have to explain the talk about war crimes, World War II and I, gay things, and more.
Friend 1: "The group chat got leaked."
Friend 2: "Oh shit we goin to jail."
When an effeminate man goes to the bathroom to take a piss.
“This twink has got to tink.”
Ricky Funkhouser
- I`m going to cum!
- Quick, pull it out!
- Too late,
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