Source Code

crowd kill

When hardcore dancing, crowd killing consists of beating the crap out of the crowd. Spin kicks along the edge of the pit, crowd punching, just hitting random kids in the face. It's all good. Oh yeah and when I talk about hardcore dancing I'm not talking about this pussy scene kid, girl pants wearing, norma jean fag flailing around. I am talking about dancing hard to good hardcore. It's all about the old school and tough guy hardcore baby. I go to shows to beat the crap out of those kids.


FSU is all about the crowd kill, punching kids in the face is great.

by xJHUNTx December 8, 2005

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ohh kill em

A phrase niggas say nowadays when somebody did something that impresses them.

That nigga beat Jackson's ass.. Ohh Kill Em!

by Lil Mula March 5, 2014

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triple kill deathtrap

Having three players in the warthog at once (halo 1,2,3)

Me and my driver started to drive off but a noob hopped in the passenger seat of our hog making it a triple kill deathtrap.

by Spencer T.B. Nolan April 22, 2008

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road kill dick

Is when the penis is completely limp, and nothing can bring it back to life.

Dave: my dick was limp,even when mary was grinding her ass on it.

Chris: sounds like road kill dick bro.

by autumnnips May 4, 2014

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Kill me with a katana

literally just slice me up with a katana

(large sword)

"kill me with a katana" first gained popularity when @theregankennedy went to school and wanted to die but didn't want to say "kill my self"

often used in awkward situations or when you just wanna die

"girl your bf was hitting me up last night, y'all still a ting?" "oh fuck! kill me with a katana!"

by ferdakatanalmao April 16, 2017

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Camp Kill

camp kill consists of three band members. A guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer. the band made their debut with bbad prediction on the summer tour

camp kill will be the next slipknot

by justin armstrong May 7, 2005

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dubro kill

When playing online Halo, if you get two kills within 4 seconds its called a double kill, but when playing with friends who don't pronounce their L's very often, you yell dubro kill!

Yeah bitch I just got a dubro kill!

by Halo nerds February 24, 2008

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