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Rice Nation

For some reason Chinese people call the USA = Rice Nation

Chinese person A:

Hey, did you hear that Xiao Shen went to Rice nation?
Chinese person B:
Oh awesome, what did he say? Are they as fat as they are described?

by War7hehorseman June 21, 2022

oatmeal put in a blender with rice in the bottom

Disgusting food ewww

Person 1:im gonna have some oatmeal put in a blender with rice in the bottom :person 2: ewww

by Randguy6767776767 October 8, 2024

rice nibba

Gifted by the rice gods, As the name Rice Nibba presents the making of rice through the profound rice cooker. Will give rice to the poor, make it at moments notice and gives knowledge out for free.

Holy Spirit1: Child you are the rice nibba

Child1: yes

Rice cooker: My lord

by Rice Nibba March 15, 2023


Getting punched in the face so hard you get knocked out. Referring to Ray Rice the NFL Football player knocking out his wife in an elevator.

Dang! He just got Riced!

by HueGanus March 5, 2015


The term used when somebody has had sex with an Asian man and will no longer have sex with any other race.

Sally: Do you know where Lauren went after the party yesterday?

Madison: Oh she left the party to go home with Chang, she's probably Riced now

by chiibbyy March 21, 2024

puff rice

The act of ones member embellishing that of puffed rice

Bro that kid hella has a puff rice

by wormholefinder February 5, 2024

Ice Rice

"Ice Rice" is the friend who all the girls love, but will never touch him. Sure, he's funny and nice but Ice Rice doesn't get any pussy. Sorry Ice Rice.

"Wow, Ice Rice is such a nice guy, but he makes me really uncomfortable." Anonymous Female

by Lil Girthy October 31, 2021