Source Code

shower cuddle

A cuddle from someone special (girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/mother/father) that is essential prior to being able to have a shower. This may be used as a procrastination or stalling tactic.

(Person #1) Have you had a shower yet?
(Person #2) I couldn't shower until you came home. I haven't had my shower cuddle.

by Ego Altered March 14, 2016

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muppet shower

To Shower with a muppet. To Shower with a person that is extremely hairy. To Misspell Muppet Show.

I took a shower with my husband. He is so hairy, we took a muppet shower

by Lo-G December 10, 2007

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Shower curtain

A needy woman who clings to you because you got her a bit wet.

"I looked at some woman's profile on pof.com and now I get a message from her every fucking day.

She's like a shower curtain. Get it a bit wet and it doesn't leave you alone."

by Rumpleforeskin July 9, 2012

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Rain Shower

having large sums of money and bragging by throwing it in the air

Person 1: Man im in a drought right now...i have no money and no job.

Person 2: Sucks for you i can cause a Rain Shower. Im rich my man.

by CashReid October 28, 2009

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sour shower

giving someone a golden shower after not consuming any beverages for an extended period of time. Urine is very yellow and will cause the recepient to pucker in enjoyment.

Bill- "I haven't had anything to drink in 2 weeks."

Joe- "Me either"

Bill- "Lets exchange sour showers"

by Peg Leg Pete October 15, 2007

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Shower moment

Meaning and planning to shower but procrastinating and delaying the shower

Shower moment's happen when instead of showering you go on Msn, Facebook, talk on the phone.. etc

by Elbarto28 October 22, 2009

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shower rape

If you don't stay 180 degrees straight in the shower. I will teleport into your shower and butt rape your ass.

Jack: "Shit! I dropped the soap I definitely have to bend over to pick it up."
Johnny: "Prepare that ass, you are about to get shower raped."

by foking hell lad October 3, 2018

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