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Breaking up with a person while intoxicated without having any actual intention of breaking up with that person, usually followed by a prolonged period of apology.

I drunk-dumped Sarah last night, and she is pissed.

by MostlyGood June 29, 2010

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Modern dumping

Similar to modern dating, modern dumping is the breaking up with a partner by solely changing your relationship status to "single" on your social networking site.

A: My girlfriend broke up with me last night.
B: Wow, that's harsh. What happened?
A: It was by modern dumping. I had no idea until I checked my facebook that night.

by amyvr August 17, 2009

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Double Dumping

When you take a dump in a public restroom only to find out your stall is out of toilet paper and have to switch stalls to one that does

Check the stalls for TP to prevent Double Dumping

by TXHeat July 13, 2013

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Dump a Couch

Take a huge crap.

Dude I need to stop by the Burger King and dump a couch. Big time!

by Griff the man March 16, 2009

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Doodle Dump

Taking a dump while playing doodle jump. In order to leave the bathroom you must exceed a pre set point limit on the game. This activity is absolutely crucial during long bouts of waiting for something exciting eg pre-concert, movie previews, etc.

Dude 1: Hey, where did regis go?
Dude 2: He's gonna be awhile, hes locked in a doodle dump session.
Dude 1: Ahh I see...

by Ciaphas November 20, 2011

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Dump Sack

A rotten dirty excuse for a vagina literally your last resort but definitely one you keep a secret and wear 10 rubbers but enjoy every second of its nasty glory

Omg did you say Jason smashing that snaggletoothsauruses dump sack I bet his dick is gonna fall off

by The cocksman nate the great July 30, 2018

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Massive Dump

how former President Trump referred to absentee or mail in votes being counted which he claimed were "massive dumps", When a president writes the lines on SNL for them.

A massive dump "I went from leading by alot to losing by a little" aka how election counting works.

by LearyFilms October 8, 2022

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