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Jew Douche

a douche that the jewish religion love, honor and cherish

I love my jew douche!

by Jenn-Jenn fucking Jenn August 27, 2008

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Jew Bag

A person that has past the douchebaggery stage of being a 'jew' and has now reached the jewbag stage.

A person who is so full of jewishness that they may aswell just be a jew bag full of jew.

You fuckin' Jew Bag

by MrGolbs February 3, 2011

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jew vual

A person who is extremely jewish.

OMG look theres jew vual!

by jason1212 August 11, 2007

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farting jew

a term originating from the farting jew video on youtube, used to describe br00t4l kids from arizona that are hilarious to prank call and have nothing else better to do than sit there and talk to you.

"your ringback tone makes you sound like a douchebag and a farting jew, you faggot!

by eli_whitney December 19, 2008

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Jew cookie

When you get a fortune cookie and get no fortune. (it happens)

Yo, my boy Mitch got a fortune cookie and there was no fortune!!!! he got Jew cookied!!

by gainttitzzzzzzzz February 14, 2012

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Top Jew

A term used to denote someone who exemplifies the characteristics and behaviors popular associated associated with Judaism. Some typical attributes of a Top Jew include but are not limited to: an immense nose, a well-maintained individual, one possessing vast amounts of knowledge relating to great deals, shortcuts while driving and other helpful advice, one who is very intellectual and smart, one who can be observed in services in his shul every Friday night, one who is very caring and compassionate towards his family and friends, one with a refined sense of humor.

Guy #1: See that guy over there with the glasses chowing down on that everything bagel?

Guy #2: yeah, looks like Top Jew! just look at his nose, it's six feet long!

by nyc123 May 18, 2013

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jew goo

a jewish mans cum

i wonder if anne frank got any jew goo on her from peter

by dskfjhcjlknvclxkjfds January 17, 2020

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