Source Code

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Code name for something you did last weekend that you are too embarrassed to really admit.

"I went to my sister's college this weekend and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I puked 5 times in the parking lot afterward."

Bob: "Spent the night at Kristen's."
Steve: "What did yall do?"
Bob: "We watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3."
Steve: "Very nice!"

by Turtle Drake October 11, 2009

O'Reilly Pirate Crew

A large family of good people from all walks and shades of life. Origins around Rochester, Geneva and Canandaigua New York. A force to be reckoned with. Also known as OPC. Not limited to New York State, the OPC has family all over the world

O'Reilly's can often be identified by their cheers to "sodomy".

The O'Reilly Pirate Crew are pranksters by nature and good spirited drunks.

by Jethro Jebidiah O'Reilly November 28, 2007

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butt pirate

A person who steals things from other peoples butts.

That fucking butt pirate stole $5 from my ass.

by svenj February 20, 2009

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pirate smoker

A person obsessed with the male genetalia and will do anything to get his hands on one

Phillip is an extremely devout pirate smoker

by Phillip December 4, 2003

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jolly pirate donuts

A small chain of donut shops in Ohio that, at it's height in the early 90's had two dozen or so shops, but has dwindled to just over half as many since the founder Nick (last name I can't spell) sold the company off and retired back to Greece.

They specialize in hand-made doughnuts that are far better than what garbage you would find at Tim Hortons and Krispy Kreme. Also, they use the same basic coffee, from the same supplier, that's used at Starbucks, but is usually one third the price per cup. They also sell cookies and muffins, and some stores also sell soups and sandwiches. Best of all, they are a smoke friendly place - light 'em up!

Made somewhat known to everybody on the net outside of Ohio by a cool remark made by the Tourette's Guy in one of his videos.

"You can go to Jolly Pirate Donuts and take a two hour shit for all I care!!!" - Tourette's Guy

"Sweet! And I'll get a dozen assorted doughnuts and some damn good coffee for a great price while I'm at it!" - Me

"Ohhh....BOB SAGET!!!" - Tourette's Guy

by JoeBaker August 26, 2006

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angry pirate

the girl's balls deep in you, and you pull out and nut in her eye, she quickly puts her hand over it (similar to an eyepatch) then you stomp on her foot and she bounces around on one leg going arrrrrrg! arg! arg! (similar to a pirate with an eyepatch and a peg leg)

If you really want to go for the K-O, try combining it with the philly-fakeout

it's pretty self explainitory. Do the angry pirate

by daveissolame April 2, 2007

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puddle pirate

-one who jumps in and out of puddles shouting 'i'll find ye treasure matey!'

-a man who 'gets around' (male prostitute), and during his orgasm screams 'Arrrgghhh, thereeeee she blows!'; The puddles symbolize a woman's vagina, and the pirate represents the horny man.

Carly said she met this really nice Puddle Pirate down in the kittery, and he was free for the night. I bet she's going to have a wicked night.

by richie sims March 18, 2008

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