Source Code

I like trains

A spell for summoning steam engine going at over 9000 mph

I like trains

by oeiwghowir May 8, 2016

51๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Choo-Choo Train

A long line of gay guys having butt sex

Dude yesterday I decided to join a choo-choo train and now my butt hurts

by Jerry and B-Dude February 7, 2009

113๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

fry brain train

What some citizens of Juneau AK. USA call public buses aka. public transit.

{Peter}: Don't light that siggeret, because I can see the fry brain train coming!

by Telephony April 17, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Grind Train

The phenomenon where a grind train consists of all bros and one or no females. Resulting in straight guys grinding on each other in a train. Usually in a party with too many bros and not enough girls.


Dude, lets go to another party, everyone is just in a Bro Grind Train here.

by School boyz November 11, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Train Crash TV

TV that is extremely gruesome, something that you don't really like to look at, but interesting at the same time - so you don't want to turn over.

That video of a man cutting out his own intestines was disgusting, but I couldn't turn it over, damn train crash TV!

by I'mAnonymous February 12, 2008

29๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Latvian Train collision

A weird sex act involving two people with their assholes facing each other so both holes touch. Each person squeezes out a huge long shit so they both collide like trains coming out of tunnels. Then the people ejaculate and cover themselves in the shit and cum so it looks like the flag of Latvia.

"Jim and I achieved the Latvian Train collision after 10,000 other successful attempts."

by Ekker October 10, 2021

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Taking the A-train for Jesus

Taking the A-train for Jesus -

1. A term used for unmarried Christians engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities until marriage.
2. An east coast term similar to saddlebacking.
3. Title of a song by Canadian punk band Heimlich Maneuver.

"I can be as slutty as I want and not go to hell, I'm taking the A-train for Jesus."

by Demon Molawk February 5, 2010

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