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Young Choza-ing

When you fuck a ceiling fan and you spin in circles cause your dick gets stuck on the little chain pully thing to turn it on and off


by SexDefender July 23, 2024

Young people

Also called young person young Citizens young citzen child or children

are people under 15

They are Longer young people

by 459395 March 16, 2022

Luke Young

A degenerate mutant who absolutely hates being funny. Swears to god that he is not a man lover, when he in fact is a man lover. Specifically for people with the name Keith. And Ryans.

Did you see Luke Young last week? I could hear him giving the Hoover vacuum 4000 from 3 stalls away.

by GodIHateSociety1 November 22, 2021

tc young team

The ladz at the subway that love divis flats and will kewley is the most known in tully carnet for being a cheeky person

Tc young team on top

by Will kewley March 21, 2023

young c daddy the big c himself

a racist crip with a 3.8 gpa but is a tweaker for the geekbars and muhas with a massive schlongg

bro i just got robbed by young c daddy the big c himself

by young c daddy the big Chimself February 4, 2025

the young chuck norris

when a man farts into a large bowl of cereal and then puts his dick into it, slowely so that the bowl slowely overflows then he punches a bitch in the face and makes her eat his concocktion. This can result in dominance of anyone in range

dude you totally gave her the young chuck norris

by the money maker is in my pants May 30, 2010

Yc - young cracker

A white person's "crashout" similar to a black, or African American's.

"Nathaniel's reaction to the price change of hotdogs truly showed he's a yc.

Yc - young cracker

by Isbytvdebt November 25, 2024