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A term that some people would use to define screamo and all the genres that include it.
Teenager: -blasts "It Never Ends" by Bring Me The Horizon-
Mother: Are you listening to Zombie Death Music again?!?
Teenager: No...
From the Mario Bros 3. cartoons. A human who got possessed and muted by the toxic koopa trash that made them look like a mixture of themselves and King Koopa.
After Melissa touched the toxic koopa trash, she turned into a koopa zombie.
When you go throughout your life with little or no interest in everything and have little enthusiasm. These people typically talk in a monotone voice.
Person 1: why do you always seem tired?
Person 2: because I have zombie energy.
A: "Do you think Zombies clip their toe-nails?'
B: "Zombies arnt real, end of zombie conversations."
A person or persons who stand on corners and/or pace the streets slanging drugs an talking on cell phones.. Hood Zombie
Hood zombies standing everywhere selling dope. Hood zombies on the corner selling weed. Hey I think that Hood zombie has what I need ..
A clever loophole to kill lots of people without feeling bad
Guy1: What are you doing?! You're killing people!
Guy2: Relax, they're called zombies in this game, basically they were infected by an in incurable virus, they become braindead and try to eat alive humans
Guy1: Oh