(Noun); Someone who is basic, plain or boring
Lauren is such a Hamburger man! She never does anything exciting!
one who puts fries into a blender then imbibes them with much vigor and delight.
Definition speaks for it self. (Do I really need to tell you?) It is a man who like french fry or fried smoothies. the fry man put is name brand french fries in to a blender then proceded to blend them into a paste like substance, he then proceeded to take out his lucky straw and drink it as if it twere a liquid! or it is simply a person who really likes bananas!
My superhero name moeman gave me after I insulted him
Me: haha. Him: hola mr.titty-man
when youve got the back of your homie
donchu worry, gotcha bag man
The most hideous thing to see on earth and should be burned with the jews
That boy with that blue Adidas man bag looks like a bellend
A game played in a 30' by 30' room with sectional couches along all walls, by predominantly Greek men without the use of horses or mallets. Balls, however, are still integral to the game. A game of Man Polo generally lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, depending on stoppages. At half time, the rider becomes the horse.
Instead of playing football this Sunday, we've decided to play Man Polo instead.