When a white boy is in a very healthy relationship with one or more women at the same time.
Also when a white boy has unspoken rizz and doesn’t need to do anything for it.
Person 1: He is kissing multiple girls at once, all the girls love him.
Person 2: “White boy got girls!”
Used to describe someone when they who is racist, annoying, gay, homophobic, and constantly angry.
That kid on Xbox was a cha boy lockdown
It is the way that people in Oklahoma say "Whats up?" or "How is everything going?". It is usually said very quickly contrary to the belief that all southerns speak in a slow southern drawl.
Whatcha doin off in there boi?
The other day this guy asked me what i was "doin off in there boi?" I did not understand him.
When someone is taking the mick out of you
He's trying to boy your ting no lie
The day for the all of the momma’s boys out there who love their mothers so much
Happy National Momma’s Boy Day!
A skier who is more focused on the steeze of their season kit rather than the functionality of their kit. This is done to pull the bitches and let everyone know that their swervy turns and lip blind 2's are top notch.
Matt: Who would win Nick Gaper or one trendy boi with an xxl armada hoodie and 2019 Vishnus?
Tanner: One trendy boi.
Bomba the Jungle Boy is from an eponymous old series of children’s books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate.
Bomba the Jungle Boy, is described as a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. Even though he was born in the US, he was stranded in the Amazon as a toddler.