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The Fello Internet Boy

He's just a Roblox YouTuber.


by The Fello Internet Boy March 8, 2023

weird boys

You walk down the hall to the bathroom and see a kid with his pants and underware down when using the urnal.
"I mean who does that?"

That kid is soo part of the weird boys group. OF CORSE HE IS HE JUST PULLED HIS PANTS ALL THE WAY DOWN JUST TO USE A URNAL. your right. who does that?

by alex11111111111111111112877465 October 7, 2020

Inside Boy

Bass producer. spends most of their time inside making music and doing ketamine and whip its. Has a cat. Thinks he is the best.

They are all inside boys.

by 15248 December 17, 2021

Rusko boy

Start the party in Ruskington, end up in town, straight into the grapes, best looking in there by far, no one can take their eyes off you

Rusko boys are the best looking by far

by LS26 January 19, 2021

Bekku Boy

A rather assholish tri-color Australian Shepard named Waylon. Waylon is a destroyer of worlds and apartments. He is raised by his Bekku mother Brennah Bekku Kulwicki.

Oh shit Waylon just chewed up a 100$ collectible, he's on that bekku boy shit again.

Look at that Bekku Boy eat his Ka-bobs.

by GuntherTrapLordJones January 7, 2024

Bekku Boy

A tri-colored Australian Shephard named Waylon who is a straight asshole and destroys collectibles and thinks it's funny to grab your vapes and rum away from you.

"OH Waylon just grabbed your vape, yea he's on that Bekku Boy shit"

by GuntherTrapLordJones January 22, 2024

Brazilian Banana Boy

(noun) is a flamboyant Brazilian male that resembles a peacocking twink. He always wears tight shirts and tries to keep on top with the latest trends. They come across with a machismo, arrogant, “I am better than you” demeanor. They are usually accompanied by really attractive women, but secretly they are gay and attracted to other males. They love to partake in giant Brazilian circle jerk ceremonies and make Brazilian Fart Porn.

That Brazilian dude with the hot girl is really Brazilian Banana Boy.

by Va Jay Jay Sinz November 23, 2024