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The T-34 is a Soviet tank used mainly in WW2. It is often noted as the most iconic Soviet tank to be produced. Many people tend to think this tank is extremely OP, especially in video games such as War Thunder or World of Tanks. This is commonly referred to as Russian Bias.

"Oh shit, its a T-34! We are so dead!"
Proceeds to get one shot.

by thetruesurvivor December 7, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nasty skank slut whorebag with very large unattractive saggy tits. Occasionally she has to hold them up when she walks so that she doesn't step on them, even though if she step on them she still wouldn't feel it because the blood can't circulate that far in her body. Anyways she tends to get around to all of the boys and they like to fuck her. She lets them do their job and then lets them go. Her favorite is the shocker and all the boys in massena give it to her, mostly the boys way older than her that only want her because they know they can get some and have to show no affection otherwise. She goes for boys 16 and up but they are usually under 33. USUALLY. Some people refer to her not only as the town bicycle, but the town bus because she is soo big that many boys can ride her at the same time. You might not want to ride her though because you might get in a crash, I mean, she DOES get wasted just about every night. If you see her you may want a free ride but unless you want herpes, run and hide or plug your nose because you have never smelt tuna this strong.

Yeah t-hoe? I fucked her. TWICE. But she didn't recognize me the second time.

by cate jiklopi October 7, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a group of homeless homosexuals rapes and runs a train you.

Damn son, I just got t-trained walking through the park.

by soldiersinx January 7, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Origin: Brazil

Alternate Spellings: T-FagOhhhh

Definition: A nickname given to someone who is from Campinas, Brazil.

When saying this nickname there must be clear pronunciation and emphasis on the "fag" part. The nickname sounds best when three groups of people shout each syllable.

"T-Fago why do you always wear the same shirt?"

by That's my shit April 26, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

T series

A YouTube channel from India, also known as T- Gay, that is about to surpass pewdiepie in subs. Because of this, we need to all smash the subscribe button to pewdiepie: (urban dictionary wont let me leave a link)

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ meme review
My 9 year old army, we can do this!

9 y/o #1: Did you hear about pewdiepie?

9 y/o #2: Obviously, Iโ€™m a 9 year old

9 y/o #1: how about t series?

9 y/o #2: you mean t gay?

by T- series December 23, 2018

26๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is hyperactive and loud... And is in love with Donni. Even though he always talks about her butt... Awkward.


NO you can't that's Donni's.

by T-NASTINATOR October 21, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cody T.

A national Ladies man who has lucious blonde curls when his hair is long.

Fuck dont cut ur hair ur a Cody T.

by Semaj La Douche March 29, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž