The Australian term for taking a day off work when you're not sick.
Hey dude do you want to chuck a sicky tomorrow and go skiing?
Working hard and fast, as if you were trying to wear through a pair of chucks.
Second shift was busy, we were busting chucks all night.
A terrible movie picked by Chuck Hansen
99 out 100 movies that chuck picks are chuck movies
Used by someone when answering a question or comment on a subject that is common knowledge to those with the necessary expertise.
Pendeja: Philip Rivers is a sure-bet, first-ballot Hall of Fame candidate!
Knowledgeable professional football fan: Eh, that's debatable, homie! Google me, chuck!
Chucking one has many concepts but it reflects a mood or an action.
Chucking a fat mood
Chucking one in third gear
Na I'm chucking one
You fancy chucking one
Fucking flat headed fuck boy. Small dick pervert that does roofs
I'm gonna a kill that chuck little for giving my daughter scraps to fuck him
When you only expected to burp, but you upchucked a little in your throat or mouth.
Grandy was laughing so hard while drinking a beer that he had a little burp chuck. He had to take three swiggs to wash the burn out of his throat.