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they are sour little bitches and even a dog has taste buds .3.

i hate lemons not the thing in general but the fucking taste of it

by lemonsarefuckingsouroop October 21, 2019


Sour as fuck always gets rejected!

Hey theres lemon!

by teacher.Bah February 24, 2020


lmeon ssooo huot okkgmmg

bro lemon is hot 🤤

by F3LIX May 4, 2021



Oh shoot here comes a lemon

by Foo fighters February 16, 2022


Lemons are sour.

Dude: hey I can eat a lemon with a straight face. (Eats lemon)
Dude 2: Impressive.. but can you eat spicy ramen?

by Yodel hand December 9, 2019


Your lemon is just this,
You would die for this person.
With no hesitation you would jump in front of a bullet for them.
It could be anyone, a family member, a friend, or even a significant other.
Who is your lemon?
(No I do not know why it’s called a lemon, so don’t ask)

“Who is your lemon Y/N?”
“Oh, my brother. He has been my best friend sense birth, and I don’t know what I would do without him. How about you?”
“That’s sweet… honestly, mine would probably end my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. They have helped me through so much and they mean the world to me.”
“That’s cool :)”

by The moss with that mushroom July 13, 2021


Also called a squinty boi; the squintiest of the squints. Dis yellow boi will make yer eyes be slits for 16 minutes

Joe: why yer eyes be flat
Alex: I ate a squinty boi
Joe: the lemon has risen

by Sh\\k October 17, 2018