The god of music. The king. The one we should worship on Dec 25.
All hale Mac Miller...
Dude whos Mac Miller? Are you kidding me Brad? You must be Jewish...
A hoe who sucks cock on Roblox makes up her age acts like a pussy but she's only in 5th grade a Roblox gang banger who hangs out at gdk city will sell her pussy for 5 dollars will eat dick/pussy for clout
~~~~~~~if this gets popular I will be willing to sell her 50$ per hour have a great day
Made by owner Nasty_bandz
Did you see that SLUT THE MAC DUBBEL
When you get home after selling a bunch of candy and there's two girls the one that you left and another one just there with you and they made breakfast.
I had a Mac French toast at about 11:00 a.m. because that's the way they wanted to.
When you get home in the morning after you left your girl and there's a breakfast just waiting for two of them.
I had a Mac French toast today because I was selling so much f****** candy.
The ultimate practical joke. Poo in a burger bun, add some salad and cheese and give it to your hungry friend.
"He was annoying me so I made him a brown mac"
A step dad who picks up single moms in a band parking lot usually and found in Texas UWU.
Wow that’s one Mac daddy stud
Someone who has way too many friends, and most of them are girls. He spends most of his time with drippy Asian girls and will walk away from you without saying goodbye.
"Woah, get back here! Don't just walk away and be a Mac the snacc!"
"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to drippy asian girls"