Olivia is the best just the best shes always smart,funny, cool, and extremely pretty!
Shes most likely to end up dating some tall brunette named owen and their extremely cute and perfect. Olivia is definitely a dog person anytime you meet one they probably have 4 dogs. Olivias are smart but they dont think so
Oh you’re an Olivia your the best
This girl will be your best friend forever, You should get an Olivia Friend RIGHT NOW.
She will be so mean, it's so comforting. She is (not) innocent, Friendly, She is always prepared with a bloody knife... Just in case! (not not stab you)
She'll be your dreams and hopes... She'll also crush them.
She will most likely be obsessed with worms. Please do correct her when there is a 'mishappen' in their behavior.
(This was made to harm all Olivias'. )
"I know, right? My nice, and mean best friend."
Olivia is someone who is or will be one of the best friends you could ever have she’s beautiful, smart, caring and always there for you. She’s someone you will always need in your life, she’s like a queen/princess any prince would be lucky to have her in his life. You will be forever lucky to have an Olivia in your life. I know that she is or will be one of the happiest and supportive people you could ever know or meet. If you have an Olivia in your life never let her go!
Sam: Your best friend is so cool
Kayla: I know right I’m lucky to have her.
Sam: I wish I had an Olivia in my life.
she’s a caring girl with a sweet personality. she also is very good looking.she is very popular everywhere.she will roast you so bad if you make her angry.
olivia is kind
I have never meet such an amazing girl before I met the Olivia in my life. Wow she’s breathtakingly gorgeous and I’m so lucky to be friends with her. Olivias are either blond with straight hair or brunettes with curly hair. Her boyfriend should be glad to have her
Guy#1: “wow look how gorgeous that girl is”
Guy#2: “ik right, bet her names Olivia”
Olivia, you need an Olivia fast. Shes the type that will love to party, really nice, and is very hyper all the time! No matter if its a white, hispanic, black, or asian Olivia just get one right now! She will make your day so good and will never fail. Confront Olivia some times because you might not know if shes going through shit man, Olivia has been with me for 6 years and she has never failed to make me laugh. She may be cool but never talk shit bout her or you in god damn trouble by her. Never want to see her mad side and never ruin her happy mood. Id say its a WWW friendship, Ive dated her and Olivia’s the best. Get an Olivia right now🤍
Person1 : You’re hella boring!
Person2 : Well then get an Olivia instead of me!
Person1 : MAYBE I WILL.