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big z pack

1000 xanax bars commonly used in central arkansas for phone conversations

hey buddy can i get a big z pack

by they call me P. January 21, 2007

646๐Ÿ‘ 466๐Ÿ‘Ž

ice pack girl

Ice pack , somthing a dumb ass girl shoves in her pussy to feel GOOD

Ice pack girl aka Delila

by Girlice November 12, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

six pack challenge

A driving contest in which participants must chug an entire 6-pack of beer, then immediately race their car/truck to a certain location and back. This is often done by drunken hill-billies late at night.. and sometimes recorded on video to share with others.

To turn it up a notch, try the six-pack challenge in rain or snow.

John: Damn, I hit some guy's mailbox while doing the six pack challenge tonight. My Camaro is fucked up!

by dee-rock October 23, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wack Pack

A firefighting tool, consisting of a flashlight, a spring loaded window punch, door stops, utility knife, and sometimes rope, seccured to the helmet using a large thick rubber band.

I think the band from my wack pack is melting.

by Imawinneryo October 24, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pack O Certs

Someone who's cock is so small, you don't know whether its "in" or not..

"we were going at it the other night, and I did'nt even know if he was IN or not!!! What a Pack O Certs!"

by iloveus April 24, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Packing a Picnic Basket

The female form of masturbation. Where you would say "whacking it, jacking off, etc." for a male, you would say "packing her picnic basket" for a female.

Last night, Jenny was in her room, packing a picnic basket.

Melanie always packs her picnic basket to pictures of Orlando Bloom.

by ConsuelaBananahammock March 3, 2009

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fudge packing gerbiller

A derogatory term to describe a homosexual male.

Fudge packing refers to the act of anal sex.

Gerbilling is an odd practice of inserting a small rodent (mouse, often) into a condom which is then inserted into the anal cavity, where the dying convulsions of the poor animal are said to produce a pleasurable effect.

The term is derived from a combination of the two practices.

As heard on the train platform: "Get outta the way, you fudge packing gerbiller!"

by cosmicblue December 10, 2009

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