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Hump Ring Ships

A kinky fanfic for one of your ships that got/ is getting/ or whom you would like to get married (to).

Please stop writing 'hump ring ships' about me and my boyfriend, we aren't getting married.
Yeah well this fanfic says otherwise.

by Crippples Last Dance April 15, 2015

beijing ring sting

A hot Chinese curry, that is as hot coming out as it is going in...

Aubrey: Did you go to that Chinese restaurant last night?

Seamus: Sure did? Had a right Beijing Ring Sting..been .walking like a cowboy all day!

by Bearcake72 January 4, 2019

Ring around the Wallet

The ring impression left by storing a condom in your wallet, especially for a long period of time.

After storing the condom for the past seven years, I developed a bad case of ring around the wallet.

by rda889 December 9, 2012

Lord of the Rings lie-in

When you stay in bed for so long that the time in bed exceeds the 'normal' sleep duration by approximately 9 hours and 18 minutes ( the duration of all three lord of the rings films without extended the editions).

It is also worth noting that an 'extended Lord of the Rings lie-in' exceeds 11 hours 20 minutes of 'normal' sleep time due to that being as long as the extended edition of the trilogy.

'Ahh Dave's having a Lord of the Rings lie-in after getting particularly messy last night'

by bisonman May 25, 2015

Silver wedding ring

Wearing a silver Wedding ring tells others you’re in a open marriage or non- traditional marriage:

A silver wedding ring tells people that my husband and I go on dates with other people outside of our marriage.

by Annamay November 18, 2018

Russian wedding ring

A pair of knuckle dusters. This is in reference to the domestic abuse problem in Russia currently.

Yo, nigga get me a pair of Russian wedding rings to beat this bitch Nathan

by GreyTheHuman March 7, 2020

1👍 1👎

I got the ring

When someone ask if you are successful so you tell them you are a champ

Aye GVAPO you got the ring” ?


by GVAPO March 19, 2019