Anna Myles is a cute and funny girl that u will fall in love with sksksksksk and-ioop
hey Anna Myles.
fortnite is cool like National Skylar Kara Anna Aaron Day
A beautiful curly headed girl with a phatttt azzzzz that goes to Mary persons.
I'm gonna fuck the shit outta Anna Marie g one day.
A girl with a phattttt azzzzz that stays in Forsyth.
I'm gonna fuck anna Marie g one day.
Shes the perfect house wife material and will make you pancakes while she beats you up with a pan like rapunzel or sm. shes a stupid Canadian with maple syrup or some shit. shes so white like the color of my walls. she will never leave her perfect husband and will work to impress men cause shes super straight.
boy 1: wow Anna-Eva died
boy 2: aw there goes my perfect house wife
She is really nice and she plays volleyball . She doesn’t like eating chocolate even tho it’s very good .
Anna Kate w is nice