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Cum bucket

when your jacking off, and you shoot your jizz into a garbage can to get rid of it

Man I was jackin off, and I didn't want my parants to se mi jizz, so I put it in a cum bucket

by PokemonLover69 January 30, 2015

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spunk bucket

Australian slang from the '70s to the early '90s. A spunk is an attractive person, while a spunkbucket is an incredibly attractive individual.

Streuth Mike. Have you seen Bill's new missus? She's a total spunk bucket.

by Fapnapkin October 26, 2016

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dome bucket

A helmet, for any sport.

Joe- Hey are we gonna go hit up the terrain park today?

Bill- Hell yea dude all day!

Joe- oh then I better put on my dome bucket.

by provin1327 October 31, 2007

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scrotum bucket

a woman that inserts 7 or more dildos in her

the stripper is a scrotum bucket

by kerri westmoreland December 8, 2007

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gut bucket

someone with no spine, who boo hoo's all the time and sits around sorry for themselves.

Shut up and stop being a big goopy gut bucket!!

by beefybabayyyy June 24, 2020

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Poop Bucket

A child or group of children who bahave badly. Also used as substitute for a name.

Peson #1: This child pisses me off so much
Person #2: They are a poop bucket!


Person #1: These are all poop buckets!

*If you are very angry, you can substitute poop for shit.

by Ihaveawordforyou...poopbucket November 24, 2011

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A bucket of retarded pies

Being so stupid, that you can't get any dumber.

"Ironing our Dead Rising 1's sizeable wrinkles of unreasonable difficulty, and A.I. on the level of a bucket of retarded pies..."

- Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw

by LordRaven37 February 28, 2011

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