A man who puts his dick in an ass. People who have anal sex with or without a condom. A woman who enjoys cum in her ass. Women who suck dicks that were up an ass. Especially people who enjoy being in True Anal porn videos. These people are fucking dumbasses and deserve nothing.
Person: Did you hear that Dave has STDs?
Old Guy: Damn, maybe he was having anal sex. Stupid.
Person: Dave was anal dicking like a retard and so was his girlfriend.
An anal cushion is when the inside of the ass/booty is visible on show and you sit on it like a pillow
She sat on the anal cushion it was soft squidgy.
A type of fart that forms above the butt hole, making it penetrate out into the open air and form an out crying roar of a fart as it dispenses an awful smell. All while making its self present in a respectful way out the butthole.
This anal solute is really a bakin’ and a smakin ‘ in my Booty tootie
When someone or something goes up your ass without you knowing
God dammit Henry Jim got himself an Anal Surprise yesterday.
The swagger you get when you shove 10 hives of bees up your ass and clench for dear life
Wow, that street preacher sure has anal swag
Dang it, Bobby, if I catch you with that anal swag one more time I’m kicking your ass. Last thing I need is people thinking I raised a masochistic ass clown
An instrument that measures changes of the air pressure inside of an anal cavity without using a sausage.
Sorry hun, my anal barometer is big to fit in your thigh!
An Anal Zipper is slang for butthole.
She told me she likes it when I lick her Anal Zipper.