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your name is mary and your doing the tiktok challenge but everyone makes fun of you for your name but your not actually a granny your a normal person with a good personality and lots of friends

ar is hot with loads of friends

by heybaby June 22, 2020


Your name is Lara and your doing the "Removing the first and last letter of your name and the ones left describes you", well you suck and your addicted to kpop boys who will never even like you back. But atleast you have a best friend who loves you to the moon and back and is also inlove with the same korean boys. Take care of that said best friend cause they'll love you forever. :>

"You are such an Ar" -said no one ever

by ImTrAsH🗑 June 8, 2020


Abbreviation for Armed response one of the most known gangs in Birmingham with several good rappers coming out of the gang e.g Lynch and coolie18 based around the handsworth , winson green and hockley areas and beef newtown aston lozells

“yo who u rep?”
oh my bad

“Keep it stepping

by RealBrumGiduer January 28, 2023


A insecure bitch who doesnt have a boyfriend, but talk to a lot of guys.

-why is she like that?
-she is an ar.

by Whotfiam June 25, 2020


An amazing best friend that’s name is probablySara

AR for short in messages means ‘Am Right’

by definitely not Jaz May 29, 2021


A Beautiful Girl With Lots Of Personality And Is Most Likely A You-tuber Who Posts Vlogs On Sunday’s And Wednesdays So You Should Subscribe Or Else……❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ TAHNKS FOR ALL THE LOVE!

Ar Is Commonly Used In A Sentence As “I Love Ar.” AKA I Love Girls⬆️⬆️⬆️ As The Description Says

by CRuelTY zzzz March 21, 2022


Ar means that you are polite and friendly. (also rude sometimes)

A girl: Hey mom I'm home! I met our new teacher today, he's ar towards us!
Mother: That's nice hun!

by bettyuhxxsksksk January 25, 2022