Ugandan Knuckles is a tribe in the game VRchat .
Their purpose is to find a queen (pronounced qween), once a queen is found, they will follow her around and do her biddding.
The ugandan knuckles worship satan, and they try to find a way to salvation, they will ask other players if they know the way.
If a player from outside their tribe, disrespects their religion or queen. The ugandan knuckles will persecute that player and spit on them.
Sentences used by the ugandan knuckles tribe: "Do you know da wae"? "Spit on dem" "we will never freez" *click*click*click*click*click. *heavy breathing* "Bruddah".
ugandan knuckles is a dead meme so stop fucking using it
person 1: stop using the ugandan knuckles meme
person 2: do you know da wey xdddddddd
person 1: die
person 1:dew u no de wey
person 2 *stabs person 1 to death
also Peron 2: Ugandan knuckles is a dead meme
The most dead meme to ever exist
Dude if you think about it Ugandan Knuckles was a dead meme that moment it was created
Ugandan Knuckles, a now dead meme because it was overused by the normalfags, this meme stole Forsens ZULUL stuff and combined it with a disabled knuckles, funny for the first 2 seconds.
do you know da wae
You have to have ebola
Plz no ugandan knuckles