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I can has cheezburger

a website (icanhascheezburger.com) featuring many user-created images of lolcats, as well as other animals, like lolbunnys and lolruses (walruses). Most are images of animals, especially cats, with lolspeak captions.
Some running themes are: Lolrus' "bukkit," ceiling cat and basement cat, and other general mayhem.
I Can Has Cheezburger also has a spinoff site called "I Has A Hotdog," which features loldogs.

Caption on a picture of a very happy looking gray lolcat reads:
"I can has cheezburger???"

by Katinthehat1414 April 20, 2008

93๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Can I live

To ask to smoke pot for free

Yo Can I live on that bone..

by WiTZ...GK. March 20, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž

but can he beat goku

A term Gotards use when you bring up any anime character. Some us this as a joke but other are serious.

Person A: this my favorite character fro-

by DiiabeticFisch October 8, 2020

35๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

you can do better

Usually used in reference to peoples relationships...often meaning that the person can do better in terms of who they are with or dating...basically you need to step your game up, cause the person you with aint on your level and not cuttin up to yo standards...

See Also:
get on my level
step your game up

Marcus that girl i see you hooked up wit is hurt man and as broke beezy, you can do better than that, get off em broke youngins mayne...

by 510Obie May 31, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

how can I be homophobic

The express of one's confusion towards another person calling him homophobic

Person 1: You are homophobic
Person 2: How can I be homophobic? My bitch is gay.

by sic9898 January 11, 2023

i can be your dad

when your dad is your dad

i can be your dad
"i can be that dad of yours" said Tobias as he looked at his friend

by yourdadisyourdad August 20, 2018

can i have a touch

When your friend offers you a premium inhale on a fine joint

Rohan - Hey Zach, can i have a touch?
Zach - *makes hand gesture towards joint*

by touch_master August 18, 2019