Source Code

Stray Shot

See: Stray Bullet

by Pang Mu April 8, 2003

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curb shot

when you damage a car wheel by hitting a curb

when you damage a bike wheel by hitting a curb

when you damage a person's head by hitting a curb

that guy is going to get a curb shot if he doesn't shut up

by michael haldane June 26, 2006

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given to a guy by sucking on their dick

Girl 1: Yo, I just gave that kid a d-shot!
Girl 2: Really? How was it?
Girl 1: It tasted like shit.

by anonymous874 October 20, 2005

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yogi shot

A picture posted in an online forum that contains both a wrist watch and the logo'd steering wheel of your automobile.

I really like watches and cars. Anyone out there have a good "yogi shot" to post?

by Paneristi July 12, 2005

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f shot

short for fountain shot

basicly you go to a fast food restaurant, but u runnin low on cash so you basicly grab one of them ketchup cups and fill that shit up instead, making it a shot of your favorite beverage yo

Guy 1: bro I have no money for dew, but i`m thirsty as fuck

guy 2: just a a f shot fool

by J-Light May 4, 2010

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money shot

When a man cums on a girl, such as on her face or breasts.

I love it when my guy gives me a money shot on my back!

by Ellen February 3, 2005

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Shot Knot

a knot that forms where the doctor injected you with a shot

I went to the dr yesterday for my flu shot and ended up with a shot knot.

by tonystewart October 20, 2009

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